Photo by Scott Pickering

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Expression In Music

How to play musically…only $5 !

“Definite and specific instructions on the playing of music with expression are always needed, and such information should be sought after continually by every serious-minded player as well as by every teacher and director.”

That is the powerful (and truthful) opening sentence from Expression in Music.

Given to me by a mentor years ago, my copy of Expression in Music carries a price marking of $2. The cost has more than doubled yet this inexpensive tome contains a wealth of information on musical phrasing. Famed cornetist, composer, and educator, H.A. Vandercook gives specific directions on emphasis, interpretation, ornamental notes, syncopation, and more. Though published in the 1920’s, the ideas in the book are timeless and can be applied whether playing the lead line or accompaniment.

From Chapter Two:

“With all the high-sounding titles that may be given to it, and no matter how poetically it may be described, expression in music consists of well-placed and intelligent accent or emphasis.”

I recommend investing half a sawbuck and studying the 59 pages of musical wisdom.

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