Photo by Scott Pickering

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Caleb Jobe Interview

A product of the award winning percussion program at Colleyville Heritage (TX) High School, Caleb Jobe brings solid playing and creative ideas to his current position as percussionist with Dove award winning artist, Kari Jobe.

I was intrigued with his choices of gear and decided that an interview would be of interest to Percussion For Worship readers.

Mark: How long have you been playing with the Kari Jobe Band?
Caleb: About four years…I’m full time except when I have school obligations (Dallas Baptist University).
Mark: I understand that you’ve played both drumset and percussion in the band.
Caleb: I’ve played a few times on drumset but mainly I play percussion.
Mark: You were telling me about your set-up. It’s rather unique. How about some details?
Caleb: It is pretty unique. There is a 22” X 18” bass drum mounted on a keyboard stand. I play it with timpani mallets. It’s miked in back with a kick drum microphone (SM 91 or similar). I use a 14” X 9” snare drum and there’s also a cajon, a few shakers, and occasionally a glockenspiel.
Mark: How did you arrive at this instrumentation?
Caleb: I used to play a more typical set-up with congas, djemebe, etc… but eventually I wanted to duplicate the loops from the recording. That led me to develop this set-up.
Mark: How’s it working?
Caleb: Most groups that are appearing at events with the KJB are not using a percussionist. So the audience is seeing and hearing a little something different and the reaction is positive.
Mark: What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?
Caleb: …definitely frosted flakes.

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